archives / 2007 /


Broken Software distributed in Botnets

Posted Sat 01 Sep 2007 02:13:32 PM CEST in

Lately there is a lot of discussion about Spam armys sucking up SMTP connections on mailexchangers by violating the SMTP protocol. Postfix talks about connection lost in "CONNECT" phase. Just as a hint on how bad the situation is - On a system of mine i typically get ~2200 Mails/Minute with ~300 connections. When the Botnet started misbehaving the amount of mail went down to ~400/Minute which was due to the SMTPd count limit reached. I now decreased the smtp_timeout from 300 to 60 which brought the original performance back.

Its interesting to see Botnets having the same QA problems as Microsoft with its WGA servers. Coincident ?


Posted Wed 12 Sep 2007 06:26:22 PM CEST in

Whats the point in having dependencies when they are not used or maintained? With Debian/Sid you can install an MP3 player which cant play mp3's ... amarok: claims that xine cannot play mp3. Another bad example is pulseaudio - Why on earth cant i open padevchooser until i will install avahi which pulseaudio does not depend on. Seperating packages is a good thing but this makes them basically unusable. I switched to rhythmbox because of the whole amarok mess.

Debian - This is something Ubuntu solves a lot better.

Galileo finanzierung

Posted Sun 16 Sep 2007 01:03:32 PM CEST in

Nach all dem hickhack um Galileo wird man sich mal wieder nicht einig wer es denn nun zahlt. Da hat die gesamt EU einen Haushalt von >115Milliarden Euro fuer 2007 und für die loslösung von Amerikanischer einflussnahme sind keine 2.4 Milliarden vorhanden.

Ich denke wenn der Herr Schäuble nur darauf kommen würde das Positionsbestimmung auch eine art der Terrorbekämpfung ist wäre das Geld übermorgen vorhanden ...