archives / 2011 /


require valid-user != require ldap-user

Posted Mon 19 Dec 2011 10:32:03 PM CET in

Apache authnz_ldap is soo braindead - It offers a require ldap-user which essentially expects a userlist afterwards. It is not necessary to enter one which essentially renders the whole authentications void because there is no user which could possibly satisfy the authentication request. If you'll accept ANY user in the ldap use "require valid-user". "require ldap-user" fails with an obscure ldap protocol error because there is no list of usernames the authnz module passes to the ldap. Hard to debug - hard to find. Broken software. Usability broken by design.

android mail app

Posted Mon 19 Dec 2011 10:50:59 PM CET in

Its so braindead - since ages the android mail app refuses to show pgp/gpg signed mails - It always says the mail is still on the server. How hard can it be in 2011 to simply ignore detached signatures? Fed up with it and installed k9mail which is also much nicer than the HTC 2.3.6 mail version with the huge overview in the folder view.

nagios map view - another rant for today

Posted Mon 19 Dec 2011 10:54:28 PM CET in

How hard can it be to design some configuration language to not only define parents, but peers, child, siblings, equivalents etc. Only defining parents is simply not enough to define a network - at least when moving the nagios polling to a different position in the overall network topology the whole definition of your dependencys collapses. It a nagios centric view which is simply broken by design.

Wohnen im White-spot

Posted Fri 30 Dec 2011 01:31:04 PM CET in

Seit heute gibts wieder Internet im Hause Lohoff - Nach 4 Monaten Diskussion mit er DTAG ist heute ein DSL Light in Betrieb gegangen. Das ist natürlich Bandbreitentechnisch nicht zufriedenstellend d.h. es muss abhilfe her. Wenn man aber im White-Spot wohnt ists schon doof. Die einzige Lösung die sich dann so ergibt ist - Selber Buddeln ... 

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