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10 days OSM forum

Posted Tue 15 Oct 2019 04:49:24 PM CEST Florian Lohoff in

Pretty funny. I ignored the OSM Forum for a long time as i am a keyboard guy and i read my mails with mutt and have pretty streamlined processes for consuming huge quantities of mail.

Now i started reading and responding in the Forum.

It took less than 10 days (And 11 posts) in the Forum before the first responded to a discussion with personal "accusation" in a for me hostile language.

I didnt know the OSM Forum was that kind of hostile and fucked up place.

access=private on driveways

Posted Tue 15 Oct 2019 08:10:04 PM CEST Florian Lohoff in

Just to get a glimpse on what happens when you spray access tags by feeling and make driveways to tracks or make them unusable by adding an access=private

All people navigating/routing to addresses at "Zur Hohen Wand" will end up on the parking lot of the restaurant, 600m away with a double track railway inbetween.

This is simply matching OSM addresses with the OSRM nearest call to the routable network.

I am calculating this view for some German Bundesländer:

And yes - I know ALL arguments that this can be fixed in the software e.g. routers. But it hasnt. It hasnt been fixed for 12 years. And i dont think this is a software problem. If someone says access=private noone is allowed in. Not the postal service, not friends or the school bus. You have explicitly told anyone not to go there. How could a machine decide to ignore the mappers request.


Tracks are not for everyday driving by car. So they are excluded for the normal car routing graph which is correct. Except - Someone sprays an access=permissive or something on it and suddenly its available for a car. Driveways to farmyards are NOT tracks. They are not dominantly used for agricultural purposes. The amount of traffic for living outweights by orders of magnitude. The postal services goes there, the kids go to school. Friends come and go. People drive to work. Tagging a driveway to a farm as an agricultural track makes the farm unreachable for most of todays car routing engines in their default settings.

access tags

Most commonly access=private on a highway=service with service=driveway or some random other mixture. In 10 years fighting this spraying of access tags i have only seen a single case of a valid access=private on a driveway. And that sounded more like - "You'll die if you continue here". Even as the UPS driver i'd be frightened to go in there. All others said that its "Private property" or the German version "Privatweg". I am okay with that. service=driveway says exactly that. So why do people spray "felt" access restriction on ways? It contradicts the Good Practice by only mapping what is verifiable and when there is no sign "Keep of the lawn" there is no reason to invent restriction.

Yes i know - You all have seen nice profiles or settings where you automatically convert an access=private into an access=destination, or can allow a router to use a track. But thats not what the mapper said. You are overriding the mappers decision

Meine Liebe

Posted Sun 20 Oct 2019 04:11:13 PM CEST Florian Lohoff in

Ich will die Frau mit der ich Barfuß durch die Stadt gehe und angegafft werde.
Ich will die Frau die unter dem Tisch mit rabenschwarzen Füßen mit mir füsselt.
Ich will die Frau mit den roten Haaren die so schön in der Sonne leuchten.
Ich will die Frau mit den Nasenring in dem ein Fussel vom Taschentuch hängt.
Ich will die Frau die mit mir im Supermarktgang tanzt.
Ich will die Frau mit der ich auf den Schultern unterm Apfelbaum stehe.
Ich will die Frau mit dem Schmiß im Gesicht der in der Morgensonne die Wange ziert.
Ich will die Frau mit den unterschiedlich Socken.
Ich will die Frau die mich beim Radfahren verliebt ansieht.

Und diese EINE Frau bist du.


Posted Wed 30 Oct 2019 10:29:45 AM CET Florian Lohoff in

Wenn einem das Lachen im Halse stecken bleibt wenn einem mal einer vor Augen führt wie die Beziehungsebene in der Kommunikation alles kaputt machen kann, oder die Aussage ins Gegenteil verdrehen.