Debian Upgrade #1
Posted Wed 23 May 2007 11:02:59 AM CEST
I am taking care on ~360 Debian machines at work. Those are still running Woody so i had a look on how to upgrade them automatically. Things to do would be:
- Upgrade woody -> sarge -> etch
- replace lilo by grub but take care on serial console
- replace handcraftet by debian kernel
- switch to udev
- repartition and resize2fs the last partition (/opt) to max disk
- switch from rdist to cfengine2 for config distribution
The most important part - Try to not break those machines as they are spread across germany in remote locations. The first thing i did was an inventory which machine had which Board, CPU, Disksize, Memsize and kernel type. I ran through all steps to upgrade a machine and manually noted the commands necessary. I'll report back which issues arise.