Stolen goods (long time ago)
In 2003 when we were visiting Australia i got stolen my complete foto gear. This happened on the Airport of Alice Springs which is really cute and small - but a short time getting the rental car moved my concentration away from our luggage and that was enough the bag got taken. Its a long time ago but i just found all the old cases for the lenses so i thought of publishing the serial numbers of the stolen body and lenses. I wished google would enable to search for exif fields in the pictures. I might be able to find pictures on the net made with my body after the time it got stolen.
The gear stolen was:
Canon EOS 10D - Serial: 259149884 (Serial from the last taken picture)
Canon EF 28-135 3.5-5.6 IS USM - Serial: 5103475G
Canon EF 100 2.8 USM - Serial: 5001109B
Canon EF 75-300 4.5-5.6 IS USM - Serial: 4901279G