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Posted Sun Jan 1 02:59:45 2023 Florian Lohoff in

Mit allen zusammen. Sehr schön.


Posted Sun Jan 1 03:51:45 2023 Florian Lohoff in

Okay ....vielleicht ist das mit dem Konfetti ein bisschen eskaliert. Und die Konfettikanonen haben wir nicht einmal abgefeuert.

Smartshopping Carts

Posted Tue Jan 3 09:09:36 2023 Florian Lohoff in

Was können die? Leider gehen die ja nur mit einer Deutschland Card die ich ja ablehne, oder irgendeiner anderen Schnüffelapp.


Posted Tue Jan 3 09:10:21 2023 Florian Lohoff in

Also in den Schneepflug passt nur mein 9 Jähriges ich. Aber süß.

Austritt von kaltem Helium

Posted Tue Jan 3 09:11:18 2023 Florian Lohoff in

Sehr spannend. Ist das so ein Radiologie/MRT Fehlermodi das die das Helium ablassen müssen?

Rebuilding Debian/mips

Posted Mon Jan 16 12:31:04 2023 Florian Lohoff in

Debian dropped the support for all older MIPS based machines with the transition from Debian/Jessie to Debian/Stretch.

It was decided that from Stretch on all binaries would by default be compiled with --with-arch-32=mips32r2 which is basically only for machines produced after like 2015. All machines i initially boostrapped Debian/mips and Debian/mipsel with back in the 90ies dropped of the supported list.

So all big endian machines like the famous SGI Indy and SGI Indigo2 which were one of the first targets to be supported are now stuck with Debian/Jessie. The little endian machines like the Cobalt Cube and RAQ and the Decstations are also "dead in the water". As these machines are still see Kernel Development its a shame we dont have ANY recent userspace available.

So last week i did some work on Colo the Cobalt bootloader to be buildable with modern toolchains. The i set up sbuild and schroot to build stretch packages for a mips2 based Debian/Stretch. I most likely will not be ALL of Debian packages but just a subset like required, important, build essentials and tools everyone wants.

I start with Stretch as i want to have an upgrade path for the installations out there.

I had and have some issues calculating build order for packages. I have some first hacked improvised script which calculates required binary packages from amd64 Packages by recursive walking through Source Package Build-Depends. Then trying to match those packages to Jessie/Mipsel and rebuild Stretch/mipsel packages, trying to satisfy Build-Depends.

The little Cobalt Cube2, although nearly 25 years old is now very slowly churning through buildable packages.

I still have issues that the resulting Packages are still "uninstallable" as other packages are missing. Like debhelper beeing buildable, but the resulting packet depending on dh-autoreconf which i hadnt had. This rendered debhelper uninstallable in sbuild.

So i guess i need to fix the "incoming" queue for reprepro, not ingesting packages which are not installable by the Stretch repository and the old Debian/Jessie/Mipsel repository, or probably not only matching Build-Depends but also also Depends to get the buildable or needbuild packages.

Soon another machine will join in to build little endian packages and probably i'll find some big endian machine to build also a mips2 based big endian Debian/mips.

Sun Ultra 1 RTC repair

Posted Mon Jan 16 14:04:51 2023 Florian Lohoff in

Another RTC died of drained batter. Open the RTC, attach a CR2032 and there we go.

Tagging the default - oneway=no

Posted Sun Jan 22 22:37:02 2023 Florian Lohoff in

I had a look at some QA output of mine which analyses tagging on ways like lanes, turn:lanes etc and i found TONs of oneway=no tagging.

I initially assumed these were some rouge users starting to sprinkle oneway=no everywhere and started to comment on the changesets.

After i while i discovered these were "StreetComplete" users.

So StreetComplete once again started to get users into tagging wide spread defaults on roads with ANY consent of the wider community.